Friday, July 29, 2011

Why "quotidian" and why a blog?

I think I'll start with the easier question first.  During a Russian History class my senior year of college, I came across this magnificent word.  It's been a gem that I've held on to for the past 6 years.  Oh, you should also know, if you don't already, that I REALLY love words.  I promise:  "quotidian" did not make it on this blog for any reason other than it is an expression of myself.

Now, on to the more difficult question.  For years I've been convinced my life is not NEARLY interesting enough to warrant a blog.  I LOVE reading other people's blogs about their hobbies, interests, magnificent husbands, and kids.  Over the past few weeks, though, I find myself having random adventures others might be interested in- such as making brown butter.  Finally, I realized that perhaps what the blogging world needs is someone like me:  single, currently unemployed, and childless.  I wouldn't say I have a particularly adventurous life (yes, I realize I say this 4 days before I leave the country), but I've learned adventures are everywhere if you're just willing to find them.  I make no promises, except that I will try to be as true to myself as I possibly can.  I make no guarantees about how frequently I will update this blog.  In fact, this may be my last blog post ever (okay, not really).  I hope you find some laughter, encouragement, or insight and are glad you spent however long perusing it.  I'm honored by your views.

1 comment:

  1. you didn't tell me you started a blog!!! YAY!!!! write woman!
