Tuesday, November 10, 2015

Blue Apron Meal

A couple of months ago, I started seeing ads for Blue Apron. While curious, I promptly ignored them. Then a friend's mom tried it and posted pictures. Okay, a little more interested. Then the friend joined and posted pics of her meal. Okay, a little more interested; the meals looked delicious! So I looked them up online and did some research. Basically, I signed up for the 2 person plan so I get 3 meals a week with 2 serving sizes (hello, leftovers!). For a really reasonable price, I have all I need for 6 nutritious meals a week. Since several people have asked me about it, a blogpost seemed the easiest way of sharing about my first experience. 

I originally picked Tuesdays as my delivery day. I'm guaranteed the shipment by 8 pm (mine came earlier, in time for dinner). It comes in a refrigerated box, so no one has to meet it. I also get some say in my meals (which is important, since I have several food allergies.)

Here's how the box came:

Here's some pictures of what the box looked like. Notice recipe cards on top of a refrigeration pack. 

There's a recipe card for each meal and also a tip card. Each card tells about the meal, lists ingredients, and has the steps with pictures on the back. 

The veggies and other non-meat things. 

Here's the meats:

Here's everything I need for all 3 meals: 

The meats are antibiotic and hormone free, which I dig. Plus I believe the website says they use as many local ingredients as they could. 

Ingredients for tonight's meal:

Two other meals:

Each meal has a packet of small things. Here's the packet and the contents for tonight's meal: 

(No idea what golden mountain sauce is). 

Here's the final products (plenty big for two meals):

Here's the finished product compared to the picture: 

Overall, it was really good! I over-salted, but I can't blame them for that. It took me longer than the predicted time, but I haven't cooked in a while and new recipes take a while to learn. Definitely a good investment! 

For more information, go to:  https://www.blueapron.com/pages/learn-more 

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