Tuesday, October 30, 2012

God is extravagant.. even with our wants

So at church you often hear about the kindness of God and His extravagance.  Maybe you've had a better revelation than I, but I sort of think this means with our needs.  I feel incredibly selfish asking God for something I WANT.  I mean, yeah, a 2 bedroom apartment is nice.. but I could live with a roommate and support a starving child in Africa.  But I also kept hearing about how God guarantees He provides for our needs and loves to be extravagant in His giving.  (Don't get me started on the theology of why then some people are poor and their needs aren't met.  I don't get it.)

I was asking God who He wanted to be for me in this season and what I am learning.  One of the things He said was that I would learn about His kindness like never before.  Let me be clear, some of the most apparent ways I've seen God's kindness is in the midst of incredibly painful times (like my dad dying).  He is kind, He is kind, He is kind.  But He's been reminding me He's extravagant (I know, I've said it 8,000 times) and He gives awesome gifts!

If you know me well, you know my phone saga.  Last October (2011) I got a new phone.  I got an HTC Evo.  With Sprint.  For the past several months, I've had more problems than successes.  One end of my couch has great service; the other end drops calls.  Standing at my stove is fine, but leaning over to put something in the oven or in the fridge (right next to it) means I drop calls.  Group text conversations are over before I can read all of the messages.  Problems problems problems.  Sprint says they fixed them, but I wasn't convinced.  Plus, honestly, I want an iphone.  My phone problems have about been the proverbially straw to break the camel's back with how stressful the last few months have been. I can't tell you the number of times I've almost lost it because of the phone or about thrown it in the river.

So I've felt like God said at the end of October I could break my contract and get a new phone.  It feels foolish.  It'll cost money.  Yesterday, specifically, I felt like He said to go get a new phone.  This is the cool part.  I asked how I was going to pay for it.  I mean I have some money left from my tax refund, but I was reluctant to use it.  He reminded me about dog-sitting (thanks, girls, for paying for part of my phone).  I was like "Um, thanks, but it doesn't cover the cost of a phone" (felt like I was supposed to get an iphone 5).  Told my sister about the phone.  She reminded me she had $100 for me from a refund for a deposit at our old apartment. Awesome!  Today, my mom said she was cleaning out a desk at her house and found an envelope with my name on it and about $100.  She said it was obviously Christmas money I had put in there for safe-keeping.  (Or perhaps God just put an envelope with money and my name on it in the desk). Then I remembered some Christmas money.  All said and done, I have enough that if I can't completely cover the cost of breaking my contract, getting a new contract, and getting a phone... I definitely have enough covered that I can easily afford the rest.

God is an extravagant giver of our wants.  :-)  

1 comment:

  1. I've learned that those who are physically and literally poor don't even view themselves as that. Like the people I've come across in 3rd world countries are thankful for things like a roof and their health. Love the lessons you're learning friend!
