Wednesday, October 17, 2012

You are Interesting!

So.. as you've probably realized, it can be a bit feast or famine with my blog.  Since I warned everyone in my first post ever that it might be that way, I really don't feel bad.  :-)

Recently, I've had a couple of experiences that make me want to shout (lovingly) in someone's face, "YOU ARE INTERESTING ENOUGH!!!"  I've had multiple friends say they want to start a blog, but they don't seem to think they are interesting enough to have their own blog.  Generally speaking, I find it's people like me.. who are single and childless.  I know those thoughts because I've had them.  I wanted (and felt called to) start a blog a long time before I ever began one.  I didn't think my life was interesting enough for a blog.  Most of my friends blogged about their husband, their kids, their crafts, or these super deep profound thoughts they could back up with 30 Scriptures.  Others had a blog because they live in a foreign country.  Let's review:  I'm single, have no kids, don't craft a whole lot, feel pretty good if I throw in A Bible verse, and live in Oklahoma.

Then I realized there are THOUSANDS of women (and men) out there JUST.LIKE.ME.  Maybe they needed to know you don't have to have any of those things to have a blog.  Maybe they were interested in hearing what God is teaching me and my so very random adventures (do we remember dog-sitting THREE chocolate labs, friends?).  Maybe someone else was dealing with grief and needed to know they weren't alone.

So here it is friends.  You are enough (we'll talk about that in a different post)!  Your life, however plain it may feel, is interesting to warrant a blog.  Why?  First, because you were created by an infinite God with a unique purpose, perspective, and calling.  No one else can do what you do.  You can speak to hearts in a way no one else can.  Second, life does not begin when you get married, have kids, craft every pin on Pinterest, or move overseas.  Third, there are t.h.o.u.s.a.n.d.s of people like you!  There are people in your stage of life who enjoy reading about someone else facing the same things.  Fourth, you have unique and original thoughts.

So.. go out and start that blog.  Who cares if you only have 3 readers?!

And if you need someone to read or follow your blog.. let me know.. I'll be happy to.  :-)

1 comment:

  1. I feel like the best thing about a blog is that it can be as random as you want it to be! Serious, fun, random...whatever! Just write if you want to! Share your thoughts!

    :) Good word Leah!
