Tuesday, October 30, 2012

God is extravagant.. even with our wants

So at church you often hear about the kindness of God and His extravagance.  Maybe you've had a better revelation than I, but I sort of think this means with our needs.  I feel incredibly selfish asking God for something I WANT.  I mean, yeah, a 2 bedroom apartment is nice.. but I could live with a roommate and support a starving child in Africa.  But I also kept hearing about how God guarantees He provides for our needs and loves to be extravagant in His giving.  (Don't get me started on the theology of why then some people are poor and their needs aren't met.  I don't get it.)

I was asking God who He wanted to be for me in this season and what I am learning.  One of the things He said was that I would learn about His kindness like never before.  Let me be clear, some of the most apparent ways I've seen God's kindness is in the midst of incredibly painful times (like my dad dying).  He is kind, He is kind, He is kind.  But He's been reminding me He's extravagant (I know, I've said it 8,000 times) and He gives awesome gifts!

If you know me well, you know my phone saga.  Last October (2011) I got a new phone.  I got an HTC Evo.  With Sprint.  For the past several months, I've had more problems than successes.  One end of my couch has great service; the other end drops calls.  Standing at my stove is fine, but leaning over to put something in the oven or in the fridge (right next to it) means I drop calls.  Group text conversations are over before I can read all of the messages.  Problems problems problems.  Sprint says they fixed them, but I wasn't convinced.  Plus, honestly, I want an iphone.  My phone problems have about been the proverbially straw to break the camel's back with how stressful the last few months have been. I can't tell you the number of times I've almost lost it because of the phone or about thrown it in the river.

So I've felt like God said at the end of October I could break my contract and get a new phone.  It feels foolish.  It'll cost money.  Yesterday, specifically, I felt like He said to go get a new phone.  This is the cool part.  I asked how I was going to pay for it.  I mean I have some money left from my tax refund, but I was reluctant to use it.  He reminded me about dog-sitting (thanks, girls, for paying for part of my phone).  I was like "Um, thanks, but it doesn't cover the cost of a phone" (felt like I was supposed to get an iphone 5).  Told my sister about the phone.  She reminded me she had $100 for me from a refund for a deposit at our old apartment. Awesome!  Today, my mom said she was cleaning out a desk at her house and found an envelope with my name on it and about $100.  She said it was obviously Christmas money I had put in there for safe-keeping.  (Or perhaps God just put an envelope with money and my name on it in the desk). Then I remembered some Christmas money.  All said and done, I have enough that if I can't completely cover the cost of breaking my contract, getting a new contract, and getting a phone... I definitely have enough covered that I can easily afford the rest.

God is an extravagant giver of our wants.  :-)  

Wednesday, October 17, 2012

You are Interesting!

So.. as you've probably realized, it can be a bit feast or famine with my blog.  Since I warned everyone in my first post ever that it might be that way, I really don't feel bad.  :-)

Recently, I've had a couple of experiences that make me want to shout (lovingly) in someone's face, "YOU ARE INTERESTING ENOUGH!!!"  I've had multiple friends say they want to start a blog, but they don't seem to think they are interesting enough to have their own blog.  Generally speaking, I find it's people like me.. who are single and childless.  I know those thoughts because I've had them.  I wanted (and felt called to) start a blog a long time before I ever began one.  I didn't think my life was interesting enough for a blog.  Most of my friends blogged about their husband, their kids, their crafts, or these super deep profound thoughts they could back up with 30 Scriptures.  Others had a blog because they live in a foreign country.  Let's review:  I'm single, have no kids, don't craft a whole lot, feel pretty good if I throw in A Bible verse, and live in Oklahoma.

Then I realized there are THOUSANDS of women (and men) out there JUST.LIKE.ME.  Maybe they needed to know you don't have to have any of those things to have a blog.  Maybe they were interested in hearing what God is teaching me and my so very random adventures (do we remember dog-sitting THREE chocolate labs, friends?).  Maybe someone else was dealing with grief and needed to know they weren't alone.

So here it is friends.  You are enough (we'll talk about that in a different post)!  Your life, however plain it may feel, is interesting to warrant a blog.  Why?  First, because you were created by an infinite God with a unique purpose, perspective, and calling.  No one else can do what you do.  You can speak to hearts in a way no one else can.  Second, life does not begin when you get married, have kids, craft every pin on Pinterest, or move overseas.  Third, there are t.h.o.u.s.a.n.d.s of people like you!  There are people in your stage of life who enjoy reading about someone else facing the same things.  Fourth, you have unique and original thoughts.

So.. go out and start that blog.  Who cares if you only have 3 readers?!

And if you need someone to read or follow your blog.. let me know.. I'll be happy to.  :-)

Love One Another.. Yup.. Even the Presidential Candidates

I had to do it.. I finally HAD to write a political post.

Let me be clear, this post will NOT be endorsing a candidate and I don't mean to even endorse a political party.

There is something that has bothered me about elections for a very long time.  In fact, I get really, really furious about it.  Lack of candidates I want to vote for?  No.  Political commercials and ads all over the place?  No.  Lies upon lies?  No.  Facebook feed filling up with political stuff?  Closer, but no.  Mudslinging?  Closer, but no.

What really gets my blood boiling is when my fellow Christian brothers and sisters start spewing hate.

What happened to John 13:35, "And by this all men will know that you are my disciples, if you love one another,"?  What happened to 1 Timothy 2:1-3: "I urge, then, first of all, that petitions, prayers, intercession and thanksgiving be made for all people— for kings and all those in authority, that we may live peaceful and quiet lives in all godliness and holiness. This is good, and pleases God our Savior,"?  

Filling up your social media with hateful things about the current President is not love and is not praying or giving thanks for him.  I'm sorry if you voted for someone else 4 years ago.  I'm sorry you don't agree with him (I don't always agree with him, either).  But, please, can we at least show him human decency even if we can't show Christ's love?  When you call him the anti-Christ, it does not show love nor does it make me think poorly of him.  You know what is accomplished when a Christian's social media is filled with hate?  It gives credence to the lies and half-truths non-Christians already believe:  Christians are judgmental and hypocritical.  How can you tell someone to love their neighbor when you show someone else a complete lack of respect?  How can you tell your children to be kind and "live peaceably with all men" when you are stirring up dissension?  

A co-worker once said, "I will pray for him because I am supposed to.  But I will not listen to a single address he makes or watch a single thing he is involved with".  Whoa, I don't think that's at all what God intended.  

So, regardless of who you think is the better candidate or your feelings about who becomes our next President, I simply ask one thing:  reflect Christ in your response.  

Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Sandpaper People

When I was in college, I went to Antioch Community Church in Waco, Tx.  At the time, Robert Herber was the college pastor.  I remember very clearly Robert talking about sandpaper people.  In case you aren't familiar with sandpaper people, they are those who are rough around the edges (at least in your eyes) and refine you.  How do they refine you?  Most often by being different and annoying you. 

Here's the deal:  we ALL have sandpaper people in our lives.  Somewhere, someone in your life refines you because they cause you to be more patient or somehow become more like Jesus.

Today, I was thinking about a current sandpaper person in my life.  I was thinking about how the person drives me insane; I mean really crazy.  Sometimes I think about how different life would be without this person.  My imagination tells me I'd be calmer and happier.

But let's be honest.

This person would be replaced by another sandpaper person.  So... unless I want to live on a deserted island (which, honestly, sometimes sounds AMAZING), I'm stuck with at least one sandpaper person in my life. 

Then.. It hit me.

What if I am someone's sandpaper person?

Wait, what?  I, Leah Gatlin, could be that person that another person feels their life could be better without?  I am that person who is refining someone because I drive them bananas?  Whoa.  More than COULD is a PROBABLY.  There is PROBABLY someone out there who I annoy.  Thankfully, said person is super gracious and kind.. because I don't know who he or she is. 

So, in case the person for whom I am sandpaper is reading this, thank you for choosing grace, love, and patience with me.  Thank you for not losing your mind and telling me exactly what you think of me and how much easier life would be without me.

Now I'm going to go try to have a little more grace, love, and patience for my sandpaper person.  I'm going to ask God to show me how HE sees this person.  There is something unique this person has to teach me; there is something of Him that I can only get through this person.

That changes everything.  Sandpaper person, I love you and am thankful for you.